by Alpine Nurseries | Dec 10, 2018 | Awards, Employee profile, Staff Training
Every December we recognise high achievers in each of our nursery locations. Alpine Nurseries employs a team of around 130 staff members. We value each and every team member for their contributions to the team effort and success that make up Alpine Nurseries. The...
by Alpine Nurseries | Feb 13, 2017 | Awards, Employee profile
Ben Turner was the recipient of Alpine Nurseries 2016 Knox Award for Excellence. The award is in recognition of a significant contribution made by a staff member throughout the year. Managing Director, Peter Knox commented that “Ben has done a...
by Alpine Nurseries | Jul 11, 2016 | Awards, Events, Industry, Nursery news, Resource
Taking customer service to a new level with Alpine Online 2.0 The user experience for Alpine Nurseries customers just got a whole lot better with the launch on Wednesday 13 July 2016 of Alpine Online 2.0, allowing users to conveniently order from an online list of...
by Alpine Nurseries | May 26, 2016 | Awards, Events, Industry, Nursery news
Award winning Alpine Nurseries Alstonville was formally opened today with a ribbon cutting ceremony by Member for Ballina, Tamara Smith. The event commenced with a welcome by Managing Director, Peter Knox, followed by a comprehensive tour of the site, allowing more...
by Alpine Nurseries | Dec 17, 2015 | Awards, Events, Industry, Nursery news, Presentations
Click below to have a read of our brand new newsletter. It has been a fantastic year full of amazing projects, community initiatives, garden tours, prestigious awards and more. Read all about it in the latest edition of our seasonal newsletter. Also take note of our...
by Alpine Nurseries | Nov 24, 2015 | Awards, Events, Industry, Nursery news
The 2015 LNA Landscape Excellence Awards were held on Friday night at Doltone House and were an overwhelming success. Alpine Nurseries is proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the LNA and proud to see so many of our customers winning awards. We would like to thank all of you...