With much debate on the best fertilisers to use, we have some liquid fertiliser facts here for you.

  • Liquid feeding is the application of nutrients dissolved in water to a growth medium around plant roots or directly to foliage and stems.
  • Liquid feeds can be either organic (from material that was once living) or inorganic (usually concentrated forms of naturally occurring minerals).
  • Organic liquid feeding is beneficial because they add beneficial bacteria and fungi on top of the nutrients and organic matter
  • There are many advantages in the use of liquid fertilizers. They are easy to apply and more uniform in distribution at the root zone. Nutrients are absorbed almost immediately through the leaves and roots and they are fast acting to correct deficiencies. Liquid fertilizers can also be used in conjunction with certain compatible pesticides in a weed and feed programs particularly with turf. Yates double action weed n feed is an example of this.
  • Liquid fertilizers should be viewed as a supplement as part of a broader fertilizer and soil health program and not in isolation
  • Liquid fertilizers can be used 3 ways
    • Continuously via the irrigation lines (fertigation)
    • Intermittently but regularly (weekly or fortnightly)
    • When required to treat deficiencies
  • Different soil types place limitations on the concentration of nutrient that can be supplied in liquid feeds. Sandy soils have lower Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and therefore the soil and fertilizer do not react as readily. Salts may build up here more so than in soils which have high soil colloidal material. Care must be taken not to create a toxic environment due to a build-up of excess salts. Often soil needs to be improved through the addition of organic matter.
  • Liquid feeds should be applied as needed to maintain, in solution in the medium a level of nutrient required to maintain plant growth
  • In hotter climates particularly with species sensitive to fertilizer dumping quickly, providing up to 50% of the plants fertilizer needs with liquid fertilizer can be effective. This is beneficial because it will prevent a huge release of salts from purely using a slow release fertilizer
  • It is essential that all the fertilizer is completely dissolved in the solution. Some fertilizers dissolve very slowly in cold water so hot (65C) water is commonly used to speed up the process.
  • In conclusion liquid feeding should be used in conjunction with other fertilizers and soil supplements and not in isolation. Miracle-gro is a great general all purpose inorganic liquid feed. Similarly Miracle-gro Maxfeed, Yates Thrive are other all purpose liquid feeds available. Powerfeed is an example of an organic liquid feed that provides macronutrient, fish and liquid compost to the soil. All can be applied in a water solution.