The Trademart is looking great at the moment. Support from the Alpine growing nurseries and consignment growers is strong ensuring the range and quality of stock coming into the Trademart is excellent. My team has maintained stock quality over Spring in often hot and windy conditions. The plants can only benefit from the current drop of rain running into Christmas.
Stock Looking Good
Christmas is almost upon us for another year. The unseasonably hot Spring has seen Crepe Myrtles come into early flowering and looking fantastic. Jacarandas are looking great, a mass of purple haze that can be spotted from miles away. We are well stocked in 25ltr stock. Hydrangeas are also looking great at the moment in full flower. The Trademart has a nice selection of 200mm and 250mm stock.
Christmas Plants
A large supply of Picea ‘Christmas star’ is arriving shortly; they make a great indoor focal point around Christmas. We recently received some very nice Adenanthos which offer the native alternative to Christmas decoration. We have a fantastic batch of New South Wales Christmas bush in 200mm and 300mm colouring up. Poinsettia will be arriving the last week of November and will include 115mm, 150mm, 200mm and 300mm.
While stocks last:
– Magnolia Fairy Blush in 200mm and 300mm – half price
– Raphiolepis umbellata in 200mm and 300mm – half price
– Agave attenuata in 200mm and 300mm – 30% off
– Selection of GCP Lawn Spreaders on sale at – half price.
Consider These
The Trademart is well stocked with new hybrid natives and a new batch of Flowering Eucalypt which look their best through Summer. We have a nice crop of Dicksonia stumps up to 2 metres which bring a softer touch to the small residential garden.
We are also well stocked with hybrid Salvia varieties and generally a great mix of landscape colour stock lines, including a variety of grasses and small shrubs. We have a new batch of compact green and gold Sanseveria that look great indoors. Following the October flush we have nicely formed 300mm and 400mm Camellia sasanqua available for sale.
We have recently added to our Debco range of potting mixes such as a larger 50ltr bag of Premium potting mix which will appeal to residential landscapers.