Dietes bicolor

Bicolor Iris, Wild Yellow Iris, Peacock Flower


A clumping, robust, grass-like perennial. Long, narrow, lime green, sword-like leaves grow from multiple fans radiating from the base of the clump. Flowers appear in Spring and Summer. The pretty iris blooms are lemon-yellow and in the centre of each of the 3 larger petals, is a dark purple spot, surrounded by an orange ring. Good for planting in swathes for a massed effect, or as specimen plantings. Prefers fertile, well drained, moist soils. Moderately frost tolerant and requires little water once established. Trim back to 200mm in Spring if foliage becomes scrappy. Fertilise and water well to encourage fresh growth.


DimensionsHeight: 0.85 to 1m, Width: 1.5m
Aspect Full sun
OriginSouth Africa
Pests & diseasesNo specific pests or diseases.
Typical sizes140mm, 200mm

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