Lomandra longifolia 'Nyalla'

Nyalla Mat Rush


A low maintenance plant with stunning long, blue-green/grey, fine, arching foliage that resembles a Grass Tree without a trunk. Small non-spikey cream to yellow flowers appear during Spring and Summer and are held within the foliage. Nyalla will grow in full sun to 50% shade and is suited to coastal aspects yet requires protection from sea winds. Also suits inland climates, tolerating light frosts. Prefers sandy loam, clay loam and free draining light clay, and care should be taken to not over water in heavier soils. Good for mass or specimen plantings in commercial or residential gardens as well as in median strips and roundabouts. Keep mulch clear of plant base or rot may occur. Plant requires little care but trim back every 3-5 years if needed.


DimensionsHeight: 0.7 to 0.9m, Width: 0.7m
Aspect Full sun
Pests & diseasesNo major problems
Typical sizes140mm

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