Lophostemon confertus
Queensland Brush Box, Brush Box, Brisbane Box
A highly valued, medium-sized, evergreen, native tree with a stout trunk, spreading branches and a rounded to pyramidal canopy. Leaves are thick, ovate, glossy dark green above and paler beneath. Staminate white flowers, occurring in threes, are followed by woody, bell shaped capsules. Attractive bark is smooth, beige and peels to reveal coppery orange/brown tones. Tolerates a wide range of soils and is moderately tolerant of drought, frost and air pollution. Water well to establish. Responds well to pruning, is fire retardant, and generally free of pests and diseases. A good street tree and suited to parks and large gardens. Attracts bees.
Dimensions | Height: 10 to 15m, Width: 12m |
Aspect |
Full sun |
Origin | North East Coast NSW and Qld. |
Pests & diseases | No specific pests or diseases. |
Typical sizes | 200mm, 25ltr, 45ltr, 100ltr, 200ltr |
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