Top Ryde Shopping Centre
Project completed by Lend Lease in 2010.
The Top Ryde City Shopping Centre was completed in August 2010. Bovis Lend Lease project managed, designed and constructed this redevelopment.
The Top Ryde City retail space comprises 80,000 square metres including 200 specialty stores and the development includes 425 residential apartments and 10,000 square metres of commercial space. The project included significant public domain works around the Ryde City Council offices, and the creation of pedestrian bridges to allow better access across Devlin Street.
The project included the planting of a wide variety and plants and trees in various sizes. Alpine Nurseries provided many of the large trees for this project.
Alpine was involved with the project from the early stages, particularly with the growing arrangements for the Cupaniopsis, Hibiscus and Backhousia plants. These pre-grow arrangements were at least 12 months in duration. Bovis Lend Lease visited Alpine Nurseries twice during this growing period to gauge how the plants were progressing and to update Alpine on how the overall project was tracking.
The most difficult part of this project was the delivery of the plants in the early hours of the morning. The main road had to be closed whilst the plants were installed into the footpath areas. We are pleased to say everything went smoothly!
Lots of planning was required for this job. Alpine prides itself on its planning capabilities for these types of projects and is learning all the time about how to manage these projects better into the future.
Featured plants
- Syzygium paniculatum – 1,200 ltr
- Cupaniopsis anacardioides – 400 ltr
- Hibiscus tiliaceus rubra – 400 ltr
- Backhousia citriodora – 200 ltr
- Eucalyptus citriodora – 100 & 400 ltr
- Bambusa lako – 100 ltr