Alpine Nurseries sponsors AILDM’s Plant Talk

Alpine Nurseries are proud sponsors of AILDM’s first Plant Talk for 2022
Hosted by Alpine Nurseries in their gorgeous autumn Trademart, 1099 Old Northern Rd Dural, on Wednesday 25th May 2022, 9.30am – 11.30am.
Collectable Plant and Species
Detailing why some horticulturalists and plant enthusiasts specialise in certain species or plant families and how these might be accommodated. Covering Orchid collections and indoor plants, ferneries and roses.
Presented by Ron Schuurman from Alpine Nurseries. Ron will also talk about and share information about his own Sarracenia collection!
Plant Sure Scheme & Gardening Responsibly Initiative
Both designed to make it easier for everyone to garden responsibly, using positive engagement to encourage pro-environmental behaviour to reduce the risk of future landscape scale weed invasions. The ‘Certified Gardening Responsibly’ eco-label provides an easy way to identify, provide access to and increase demand for, low invasive risk ornamental garden plants.
Presented by Aimee Aimee Freimanis from Ecohort Pty Ltd
Planting to mitigate climate extremes
Tig will be talking about designing landscape lay-out, plant selection and creating conditions which will mitigate the effect of climate change. With more extreme weather events predicted in the future we need to learn how to create the conditions and specify plants that will deliver effective remedy.
Presented by Tig Crowley from Tig Designs and he is on the board of AILDM
$10 students, $15 members and $20 non-members
Places are limited so be sure to register today!