There is no better time of year to shop for plants than the present. Plants stocks are plentiful and plant size is attractive. With a noticeable reduction in day length and some brisker mornings Autumn has arrived and with it good numbers of Tibouchina ‘Jules’ in 200mm and Tibouchina ‘Alstonville’ in 300mm all in bud.
The Trademart is well stocked with landscape grasses, cottage colour, tropical gingers and fernery, landscape shrubs and architectural plants covering Yucca, Rhapis, Strelitzia, Nolina, Draceana, Crassula, Agave and Sanseverias. We have a great mix of 140mm groundcover and cottage stock including Scaevola ‘mauve cluster’, Scaevola ‘Purple Fanfare’, Helleborus Pink and White, Convolvulus mauretanicus, Philotheca and Limonium ‘Perezii Blue’.
For the first time we can now offer 5 varieties of Camellia (Hiryu, Setsugekka, Plantation Pink, Jennifer Susan and Pure Silk) in 200mm pots. We have good stocks and sizeable 300mm Camellia sasanqua all in bud and some flower.
We now have our first batch of Callistemon Better John PBR and Callistemon ‘Red Alert KPS-38’ available for sale in the market. With the exception of the pear varieties we still have a great selection of deciduous trees including Acer spp, Cercis ‘Forest Pansy’, Nyssa ‘Forum’ (A new improved form of Nyssa), Platanus, Robinia and Standard Acers. There are also some really good sized Frangipani in 300mm pots and 100ltr pots available for sale.
Nyssa sylvatica ‘Forum’ TM is a new selection with a dominant leader and even conical shape with dense foliage. ‘Forum’ drops leaves in Autumn changing from green to shades of red orange and gold and eventually scarlet. A great landscape specimen growing to 10metres x 5 metres.
With the consistent demand for small trees and shrubs we now have 10 acres under production in Arcadia. The site has been a production nursery for years and is well set up to allow for intensive production. Three full time staff run the site and over see the production of a range of conifers, Deciduous trees, Crepe Myrtles and Magnolia ranging from 200mm stock up to 100litres.
We have two new friendly staff in the Trademart. Matthew Kain has previous plant retail experience, with an interest in Bonsai and a larger than life personality. Jenny Pye joins us with a background in Floristry and a very friendly nature.
In conjunction with Everris receive a free 140mm Alternanthera dentata ‘Little Ruby’ when you buy from the Everris Landscape Professional Formula range of controlled release fertiliser. The fertiliser must be purchased through the Trademart ending on the 31th of May 2015

Nyssa sylvatica ‘Forum’